Dogs on the Beach

Dogs on the Beach
Dogs are allowed on the beach, as long as they are on a leash or under voice control of the owner. It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that the dog is physically controlled.
6.04.020 Running at large prohibited
A. It is unlawful for the owner, keeper or custodian of any dog to permit any such dog to run at large upon any public street, highway or public place, or upon private property owned by a person or persons other than the owner, keeper or custodian of the dog, within the corporate limits of the city, except the ocean shore, as defined in ORS Chapter 390.605.
B. It is unlawful for the owner, keeper or custodian of any dog to permit any such dog to be upon the ocean shore except on a leash or under voice or signal command on the ocean shore within the city limits of Cannon Beach.
C. The chief of police, or any designated officer of the city, or other designated officer or official are authorized to impound any dog found running at large. (Ord. 02-13 § 1; Ord. 74-8 § 2; Ord. 71-9 § 2)